Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Poem #9-2011: Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics

Soaringly sad
I pop open the nearest book
News of the Universe
Rilke writes of living life
in “growing orbits”
circling for a thousand years
not knowing if he is
falcon, storm, or song

Sadness lifts -
replaced by awareness
and something else . . .

A question?

What is that knowing
that poets know?
And why do I forget
(again and again)
that I am my feelings
and they are not separate
from me?

When I am sadness
and the “I” disappears
then it doesn’t matter
if I am falcon, storm, or song

I am all three, and none of them
at once
I am that quantum particle that
cannot be located
circling forever

and it doesn’t matter

This poem contributed to
dVersePoets Open Link Night #6
Follow them on Twitter @dVersePoets.


  1. Such a wonderful play on I and me and then it just doesn't matter, does this comment even matter?..haha my kind of write, nicely done.

  2. it does matter...everything we do matters we all matter...even on the quantum level, interacting with other particles around us...nice write...

  3. This was an interesting read, and I like these lines most,

    "then it doesn’t matter
    if I am falcon, storm, or song

    I am all three, and none of them
    at once"

  4. Or as Jack Kerouac would say: "I don't know. I don't care. And it doesn't make any difference."
