Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Poem #13-2012 Cut-Up Journal

I hope your fickle uterus disappears in a rage without explanation
Every dream dies
Good enough
A season full of lessons
Listen with the possibility of being changed
The language of deficits
Every human being is of incalculable value
Education is not neutral
What did I do today?
Maybe it's time
Destiny henceforth
You made your bed
But how short?
It's kind of a clamor
Soup sounds better
I censored myself at least 40%
Drinking bad beer is out
Sometimes nothing makes sense
Writers write
All dead as are their husbands
More is welcome -- what's been is sufficient
The Buddha was the first one to see it
Cake for everyone
Jack wrote at least 1,500 words/day
I need to stop that
The blank page
A Child's Garden of Verses
The best unknown poet alive
I am no good on my feet
I assume I'll be alone
More impressive in person
What the elders said is true
Does this help or hurt the future?
The muse comes from any direction
Poetry ought to be a refuge
Infucking competent
Wrongs I committed out of selfishness
The mindset of discovery
Generating ideas
Because of a fucking meeting
There is a poem that will save you
A psychic toll, indeed
"Order up!"
Sometimes it is all one can do
A second look
Trust me
When am I happy?
Should we get a convertible?
Creative thought is dead to me
"Who are you to ask me such a thing?"
What makes something "fun"?
Naked Lunch
In my wildest dreams
For an undetermined period of time
I have been the betrayer
Sparkling sin
Hovering death
It's not. You know that.
Something needs a poem written about it today
Quit whining and do your work
Nothing matters
Tighten up
Make me believe your corvette skin
Needs too much work
No problems identified
Trust me, you are not that important
"What would you like to dip your chicken tenders in?"
I have a whole new appreciation of Cake
Beats the shit out of me
Death transcends such things
Close your trunk using a bungee cord
Waiting for the tab

Contributed to dVersePoets.com
Open Link Night


  1. For context, these are phrases culled from each page of my journal over a number of months (4 or so). I picked what I thought was the most interesting (sometimes there wasn't much!) stand-alone phrase without thought to the phrase before or after. Each line is from a different page, but in sequence. I thought it was an interesting experiment, sort of a cut-up poem. I did no editing whatsoever, but simply followed my pre-established rule of picking an interesting phrase from each page. In some places, it worked spookily well. In other places it bombed. Oh well, risk is everything.

  2. The first line made me suck air. Lots of good stuff in there, but that will stick with me all day.

  3. dang...what an opening line...holy smokes...i really like the premise of this as well...cool way to construct a poem...it flows like stream of consciousness...i like the ones that kinda catch me... censored myself at least 40%
    ha, me too.

  4. this is great. Reading the footnote helped, but WOW--what a first line.

  5. Naked Lunch
    In my wildest dreams

    I like how those words came together in my mind. They read really well.

  6. poetry is a refuge...at least it was for Kerouac in Rocky Mount...or anywhere else for that matter.
